Credit bureau clearance is that the consumer has only a specific number of credit bureau issues to deal with, and the clearance process standard and regulated. With the exception of a few complex court procedures with regard to Debt Review and Administration Order, every other issue on the consumer's credit profile can be referred and resolved directly with the Credit Bureaus.We are well able to do a credit report fix and clear your ITC let us help you
Debt Review Listing: In this instance the Creditors do not have to be paid up in full. We do however have to prove to the court that you are in a better financial position as opposed to when you went under administration.
If you would like to apply for credit report fix, Apply now.
Amendment of a default listing: If the account is paid up in full, the listing may be amended to reflect as "paid in full". The listing will only be withdrawn from your profile when the two year data retention period expires (that is two years from the date of listing), unless it was captured in error.
Logging a dispute with the Credit Bureaus: For withdrawal of a default listing on the basis of error- A default listing may be withdrawn if it was captured in error. After an investigation, then Bureaus will withdraw the listing if they cannot provide proof that same was duly captured.
Removal of Judgment listing: if judgment is paid up we assist to remove the judgment listing on your profile.
Judgment investigations: we investigate Judgment which were listed incorrectly or granted illegally without your knowledge.
Rescission of Administration Order: In this instance the Creditors do not have to be paid up in full. We do however have to prove to the court that you are in a better financial position as opposed to when you went under administration.
Prescribed debt can be explained as old debt that hasn't been acknowledged over a period of three years
Debt is prescribed if you haven't done any of the below within the past three consecutive years:
You haven't acknowledged the debt
You haven't made a payment to the outstanding debt amount
You haven't made promises to make a payment to the outstanding debt amount
You haven't been summoned to make a payment by a creditor
Debt Review Listing: In this instance the Creditors do not have to be paid up in full. We do however have to prove to the court that you are in a better financial position as opposed to when you went under administration.
If you would like to apply for credit report fix, Apply now.